
the parabolic reflector of a searchlight

The reflector added just the right amount of color back in to the image.

Also remember that bouncing light-even into a shiny reflector that keeps light directional - adds to the distance it travels.

Introduced the test metal corrugated pipe, the diaphragm, the bellows, the reflect scope, the reflector, the caper diaphragm, the isoelastic part and characteristic parameter.



Horn parabolic reflector antenna

The special wire gauze used for making mesh reflector is one of the key basic material.

The reflector action of such a conducting layer makes it possible to build a radio telescopes that correspond exactly to optical instrument.

The control rods are in fact placed outside of the core. What you also see in this design is that there's graphite, a lot of graphite which is the graphite reflector for this core.

The reflection involves only a point on the reflector.

Inner voice is the voice mouth of the subconscious subconscious mind is always acting as a secondary reflector of thoughts and ideas in the body.

The newspaper is a true reflector of public opinion.

Cobham's TracStar LVT has a rugged yet lightweight Carbon Fiber reflector and tripod with a total weight of less than 30 LBS (13.6 kg).

Radar sets generally employ large antennas to produce narrow beams in much the same way as a search-light reflector.

Parabolic reflector antenna

The final reflector contour generally sweeps around the lamp and crosses the vertical line through the lamp axis.