
I handed her the worn book.

The florist's son handed her a gift.

Our father handed down these customs to us.

Thus, a left-handed snail presents a right-handed crab with a challenge-and one that it usually cannot be bothered to accept.

I handed them some magazines in a plastic bag someone had hung on our doorknob.

That (along with the cack-handed approach of the Bush administration) has eroded once-fervent Atlanticist sentiments.

My parents handed me my present, and when I unwrapped it, there was a cellphone box inside.

Last month Guinea's junta finally handed over power to a transitional government after a concerted squeeze by ECOWAS, other African countries and the West.

What I hand down to you is in accordance with the apostolic faith handed down to us by the fathers and I have invented nothing extraneous to it.

After the holiday break (at the start of my final semester of high school), I went up to my calculus teacher and handed him a big stack of papers.

Third Base Umpire- responsible for monitoring safe/ out calls at third base, deferred strike out calls of left handed batters, and fair ball calls down the left field line.

Do you always write left-handed?

The man was caught red-handed in robbery.

If both parents are left handed, 50% of their offspring will be left-handed. Two righties only have a 2% chance of having a lefty.

A water sommelier handed out water menus with extravagant prices to the patrons.

But the club seems to be a guys-only fraternity-- research suggests that while left-handed men tend to earn more than their right-handed colleagues, there is no similar advantage for women.

Transferring money from one bank account to another could take days, as Banks leisurely handed off funds, levying fees nearly every step of the way.

In her 1994 autobiography, I Am Roe, she describes the harrowing moment when a nurse mistakenly handed her the girl for feeding, not knowing she was being put out for adoption.


They handed him the coin.

The monitor handed the papers out to the classmates.

He argues the job should be handed over to a bipartisan task force.

In theory, blasphemy is punishable by death-a penalty that has been handed down but never carried out.

The day Michele and Al petitioned for legal custody hey handed the judge a stack of letters from Kristen’s relatives, expressing their heartfelt approval and gratitude to the Poulins.

She handed over a small metal cylinder.

Everyone thinks this is hilarious. I want to know when the guns get handed out.

One day after a trip to a faraway town, he handed me a knife and sheath, saying, “These are for you.

flurried in movement; rough-handed

"And as Xifeng handed round the tea and sweetmeats, Lady Wang asked whether she had distributed the monthly allowance."

then he ascended the stairs once more with great strides, made his way through the crowd, walked straight up to the usher, handed him the paper, and said in an authoritative manner:--

Tom hijacked Daniel's ideas and made up a plan and handed up to the board of directors.

But the riddle of what underlies handedness remains. Its proportions - roughly 90 percent of people are right-handed and 10 percent left-handed - stay consistent over time.

Souya handed over the delegation flag of the Japanese delegation to the head of the delegation and Director of the Tokyo Handicapped Integrated Sports Center, Banminyan.

Jack is an ambidextrous hitter; he can bat right - handed or left - handed.