
The form of these cells changes according to the degree of distention of the bladder.

Cardiac tamponade is suggested by jugular venous distention, muffled heart sounds, and a paradoxical pulse.

Abdominal distention, due to the development of ascites, may be detected only by a change in belt size, and it may be intermittent, related to cyclic alcohol intake.

Abdominal distention and gas pains are also common after a laparotomy; they are due to swallowed air and impaired peristalsis resulting from immobility, manipulation of abdominal contents during surgery, and side effects of anesthesia.

Acupunture may cause a little pian and a certain feeling of numbness and distention.

Result: the causes of intractable hiccup in postoperative gastric carcinoma patients were including hyponatremia, gastric distention, acidosis etc.

KUB: Diffuse gas distention of bowel loops throughout the abdomen;

Acupuncture may cause a little pain, but it also causes a certain feeling of numbness and distention.


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is belong to lung distention in TCM, blood stasis is one of the vital pathology factors of lung distention.

After operation, we closely observe the vital signs, eating situation, abdominal pain and abdominal distention, nausea and vomiting, whether hematemesis and melena of patients.

Gastric distention may also reduce lung volume by elevating the diaphragm.

Results: Rectal distention stimulation increased the activity of anterior cingulate cortex (35/37), insular cortex (37/37), prefrontal cortex (37/37), and thalamus (35/37) in most cases.