
These small editions of mother and father are easy prey for birds, raccoons, fish and turtles.

Later that week we were driving home and I noticed three fat raccoons ambling down the road.

Although serious attacks on humans by groups of non-rabid raccoons are extremely rare, at least few such attacks have been documented.

Part of my job at the state fish and wildlife department is to lend equipment to residents for trapping and relocating raccoons.

They prey on raccoons. Then do we get rid of the raccoons?

Now those raccoons can only stare longingly at the trash and dream of eating my banana peels.

To reduce the number of raccoons living nearby, keep your cooking grill clean, secure your garbage and fence in your garden.

"The reality is there's an abundance of these food subsidies in these suburban areas, and that's why there are so many raccoons, " Slate said. "It's not hard for them to make a living or get a meal.

People, like raccoons, are infinitely distractible, and that's the biggest problem in this age of attention deficit.

Other times the subject is real but presumably unknown to the photographer, as was the case with the Montauk Monsters (aka decaying raccoons) found in July 2008 and May 2009.

He read for an hour, looking up every now and then to see raccoons and possums scurrying near the creek.

Red wolves primarily prey on white-tailed deer, raccoons, rabbits, nutria and other rodents.

Recently I built a garbage-can holder with my brother-in-law, so that bears and raccoons wouldn't rip through my trash in the middle of the night.


When he was a boy, raccoons ate out of his hand.