
From the ceiling hung a brutal wrought iron chandelier, like something salvaged from a medieval castle.

We salvaged it from the rubble of our house and put it aside by the road, but someone stole it.

His salvaged nature imbued in him special qualities that set him a brand apart from his droid Cousins.

Tthe building's ecological signature, for example, is apparent indoors with the use of wood salvaged from old houses in the area.

To maintain the building's familiar time-worn appearance, slates and timber salvaged from other outbuildings that were too damaged to be restored were used when resurfacing the roof.

The red dust of the que is the desolate dream that can never be salvaged in life. Some miserable past, in my memory, is gradually divided into a stranger.


Denmark's crematorium association has revealed its profitable sideline in recycling metal parts salvaged from the dead.

On Tuesday night, ministers were still discussing whether any of the agreements reached in principle could be salvaged.

KNOCK DOWN: To disassemble a previously assembled bearing; the cage is cut or spread and discarded and the rollers and cones are salvaged and reprocessed.

The situation arising from this defeat was salvaged as a result of the corrective measures taken by the Special Committee and the Army Committee of the Party after September.

Valuable raw materials were salvaged (from the sunken freighter).

A sense of the neighbourhood's history is everywhere - a lot of salvaged material has been used in the hotel.

This was our word for a hovel, built by us of salvaged boards or crates and big enough for us to crawl into for secret conclaves.

Rescue workers salvaged the vehicle three hours later and found the NCO dead inside it.

From the ashes of a burned pile of papers and other records outside the building, some assorted material was salvaged, but not much.

Yesterday, the police divers salvaged in a small pond on the common lawn.

The night of the moon does not hide the rain, even if the moonlight of the water can be salvaged, the leakage of the net is the silent river, the raindrop of the falling is like the miss of the boundless.

To raise funds they picked rags and salvaged furniture, or begged with laundry baskets in the Paris streets.

The answer is obvious and Mourinho clearly knows it, as bringing on Arjen Robben and Joe Cole to hug the touchlines salvaged a point at Old Trafford in a second half dominated by the Londoners.