
Telstra claims it is well positioned to offer customers all kinds of whizzy new services across a range of platforms.

Terry McDonell, who oversees Sports Illustrated, helped create a futuristic-seeming video of a hypothetical issue filled with whizzy graphics and interactive ads.


And the early evidence suggests that those whizzy new connected sets are not always connected.

For fans accustomed to the stodgy - albeit free - coverage offered by terrestrial channels, Sky's whizzy stats and graphics brought football up to date, and made it much more entertaining.

The cows will be housed in open-sided sheds, bedded on sand, with whizzy cleaning systems intended to keep things hygienic.

Mr Madoff claimed to achieve healthy, stable returns through a whizzy stock- and options-trading strategy.

The country's whizzy voting machines mean that Brazilians should know the result before they go to bed tonight.