
Ant societies are rigidly stratified and usually ruled by queens.

The policy is, however, still rigidly enforced in other parts of the country.

At a leaders’ dinner Nicolas Sarkozy, France’s president, berated the European Commission for applying EU rules too rigidly.

Maybe you think it’s ridiculous for parents today to fuss so much about car seats, trans fats, violence on TV, allergies, rigidly enforced bedtimes, etc., etc.

Traditional robots, the kind you might find spot-welding a car frame, can be programmed to carry out a very precise sequence of tasks but only within rigidly structured environments.


He does not rigidly destroy all inferior animals.

Even more strangely, the individual floors of a pagoda are not rigidly attached to those immediately above and below.

Young people with autism may find it difficult to multitask because they stick rigidly to tasks in the order they are given to them, Scottish research suggests.

One of the big surprises to me is that, despite the importance of the justices and some of the other people who work here, the Supreme Court is not a rigidly hierarchical institution.

Is it very rigidly structured, like a spreadsheet or a database?

The stupid invalid has rigidly forbidden the kid's bidding for the producing of solid acid in a humid, but splendid field with a rapid lid.

Yet India remains a rigidly stratified society in which birth is often synonymous with destiny.

To kids, this book is about a secret (obviously), kept from grown-ups, and about finding independence even when kids were rigidly controlled.

Given the embedded capabilities of the Apache Derby database, however, the line between application and database is blurred, and this separation doesn't need to be as rigidly enforced.

He maintains a rigidly right-wing political stance.

A rigidly-structured daily one-hour lesson was prescribed for all primary-school children, focusing on the mechanics of reading.