
Looking back from the vantage point of 2011, the residual agreement seems altruistic, optimistic, and visionary.

Why their partnership works: Noyce, co-inventor of the microchip, was the visionary and inspiration for Intel.

Steve Jobs may be many things - maestro, visionary, demi-god - but he apparently isn't a careful reader of certain market reports.

I'm sure you've experienced that when optimists and realists discuss a project, there is often a clash of perspectives. The optimist is a visionary and focuses on the end goal.

Many visionary nanoscale products will require new manufacturing systems.

The most visionary accessory designers send these stylish headbands down the market.

Many people around the world are mourning the passing of an icon of this generation - the visionary man behind Apple Steve Jobs.

Mr Obama later gave a fuller statement, in which he praised Jobs as a 'visionary' who was 'bold enough to believe he could change the world, and talented enough to do it'.

It is visionary in its products and marketing techniques, but conventional in its working practices and goals.

It is mainly composed of the 863 (high-tech research and development) Program with emphasis on visionary high technologies and the Basic Research Program that focuses on exploring the cutting edge of scientific issues.

In this article from 1993, we see just how far-reaching and significant this visionary guitarist and inventor was.

Yes, Roosevelt was a bold and visionary innovator who substantially rewrote the American social contract.

Among ordinary Turks, however, Mr Erdogan remains the most popular and charismatic leader since a visionary prime minister and president, Turgut Ozal.


From his visionary conceptualization, to the reality SIAS is today, is nothing short of a miracle.