
Notwithstanding the slightly less draconian terms of Portugal's agreement, it will surely suffer a similar fate.

If that solution still proves too draconian for your headstrong daughter, then she is the one who is being unreasonable.

But questions are also being asked about other aspects of the timing and motivation of his draconian response to an "emergency" dating back years.

In addition, a draconian national security law giving the government sweeping powers of arbitrary arrest and detention has not been repealed.


Ordinary folk who inadvertently stray into the reserved lanes will face draconian fines.

As an isolated island, Iceland arguably stands a greater chance of success with such draconian measures than other nations.

The omens for a seamless transition are not good. Since last year the regime has imposed, then swiftly abandoned, draconian currency reforms.

These draconian laws chime with the government's general dislike of dissent.

A better alternative is to give regulators draconian power but over a smaller part of Banks' balance-sheets, so that the panic is contained.

They can enforce the law in the most draconian fashion against firms that displease them, as Russia's Yukos found.

Since last year the regime has imposed, then swiftly abandoned, draconian currency reforms.

But there isn't a moral defense for invading people's privacy and imposing draconian laws to protect outdated, crumbling business models either.

His story is not rare in a country which for 30 years has told couples to settle for a single child and has used draconian measures to limit births.