
Gon is senior scientist and cultural advisor for the Nature Conservancy of Hawaii.

The person (s) who assumes this role would conduct expert reviews and serve as an advisor for project accessibility issues.

Ask how it arrived at this number and, if possible, work with your financial advisor to find a market research firm that can do an independent analysis.

Asked about the exact role he would take if he went back, he insisted that he would only return if needed, perhaps as an advisor.

What will be revealed in its full ferocity is his loathing for Miss Lyon and her then-husband Ralph Ashcroft, a Briton who was the writer's erstwhile business advisor.

He became my friend, confidant, and advisor.

I hope they would look upon me in the nature of an advisor and helper rather than overseer or critic.

This puts you in the role of a trusted advisor who can observe and analyze business strategies and decisions as they occur.

If you and your business advisor think an issue is a deal-stopper, calmly tell the VC why you think VC would almost certainly have seen this issue before and would likely have a workaround.


I am a developer for and architectural advisor to this project.

Staying in contact with your academic advisor each semester can help you stick to your plan and stay on track.

Yesterday morning, I had a rare opportunity to sit down with a man many see as the right hand and most trusted advisor of the Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

To ensure creative problem-solving, you need an advisor who isn't shackled by preconceived notions of your market.

You will probably want your accountant to assist you in many ways, as a consultant, financial advisor, counselor, etc., who understands your business affairs almost as well as you.

In the end, the matter was resolved when Sandy came to me and suggested that I appoint Tony national security advisor and make him the deputy.

For example, there is my thesis advisor, who taught me so much about programming methods.

It is the responsibility of the security advisor and the architect to make sure that this information is not logged without masking.