
To design a placard is helpful for locating your group promptly.

The mind (" I ") which discerns the three dimensional world around us, orders it by dividing it in separate objects, locating them spatially.

One approach for locating and snipping DNA strands involves "zinc fingers" - proteins that bind to DNA and can be linked together to recognise extended stretches of DNA with very high specificity.


An aligning jig to be fitted into the locating hole and the tapered portion is prepared.

The world is once again a vibrant place, food is a good thing, and you're not habitually locating the nearest toilet-just in case.

Axial mounting and locating holes standard.

The system is also quite effective for locating fires that are smoldering beneath the top layer of earth -- a problem that occurs with wildfires thought to have been snuffed out.

It also allows you to secure uploaded files, tag files for easy locating, and locate experts using a tag cloud.

If you ask a good shop clerk for help locating an item, he will not only answer the question, but also volunteer useful collateral information; for example, the fact that a more expensive, higher-quality item than the one you requested is currently on sale for a similar price.

The test consists of increasing air pressure system, workpiece pneumatic locating system, measuring system, electrical controlling system and so on.