
Almost all the cell contain the constitutive Nitric Oxide.

Basing on experiments, the creep constitutive relations of PMMA were researched.

Traditional speech act theory claims that speech ACTS are governed by a set of constitutive rules, which are called felicity conditions of speech ACTS.

For most readers in Milton's time, rhyme was actually constitutive of poetry, and Milton's lines of unrhymed verse here may well have not seemed poetry at all. It was shocking.

Perhaps constitutive equation has to be fortified by experimental evidence.

Researches on constitutive relation for reinforced layers of submarine oil pipeline.

These doctrines have not simply been refuted or replaced or historically superceded; they remain in many ways constitutive of our most basis outlooks and attitudes.

The further it gets from its original revolutionary fervor, the more slavishly it clings to all its constitutive principles, which it sees as the only certainty in an uncertain world.

Establishing a constitutive model and choosing an integral algorithmic method are the crucial matters for developing UMAT subroutine.

Based on the plastic flow theory of soils, an elastoplastic constitutive model for describing the stress-strain behavior of the saturated sands under the action of monotonic loading is developed.

The function of debate in the field of substantive wrongfulness is providing the base of explaining justification of action that keeps with constitutive elements of crime.

The aggregated consequence is the distinct constitutive element of aggregated consequential offense.

Based on the standard, it will form more exercisable constitutive requirement from precondition, character, subjective essential and consequence of the action.


The constitutive institution may provide for these matters.