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Naga: Wretched woman. We will retake the surface world and put an end to your vile race once and for all.

"People did not have the courage" to retake the slums, said jose Mariano Beltrame, who took over as Rio's secretary of public security in 2007.

Only with the rise of the Space Shuttle programme in the early 1980s, and the dissolution of the Soviet Union a few years later, did America retake the crown.

There is no need to respond to any email about this or to retake the exam.

Obama is not the first President to retake the oath of office, according to the Yale law professor Akhil Reed Amar.

You can retake tomorrow's exam in September.

But she could not retake possession because the seven families who had been living in her home for nearly 20 years were still there.


Maybe your best bet is to retake the test

Students with scores of, say, 1, 290 rather than 1, 300 were more likely to retake the test—even though admissions data showed that administrators didn't seem to favor rounded scores.

They were later invited back to the lab to retake the test while the scientists scanned their brain activity.

Those results have spurred some Democrats to urge Senator Clinton to abandon her White House bid and throw her support to Obama to help the party retake the presidency in November.