
The mechanisms that control appetite and energy balance in the human body are elegantly calibrated.

Tall and elegantly dressed, she ends her call and points to the corner of the room.

Most figures are elegantly displayed in glass cubes in a low-lit room, the idea being to dignify them.

Mr Jobs, who died this week aged 56, spent his life packaging that magic into elegantly designed, easy-to-use products.

The ultimate issue is your ability to think about and conceptualize 'something to say' and once you have done that, find the language that allows you to say it most directly and elegantly.


In Hyde Park, elegantly attired riders centered on Rotten Row.

Some examples of the patterns covered are as follows: (Kent presents them much more elegantly than the summaries here.)

To sum it up: The Citroen C5 is an elegantly designed mid-range car that impresses with its appearance and thorough workmanship.

Powered by a Fireblade-based engine, the semi-naked CBF1000 packs powerful performance into an elegantly styled midsized configuration that offers both big-bike enjoyment and easy-riding confidence.

These are fine examples of re-skinning a Web site easily and elegantly.

If you are not a negative person or don't want to be a part of the gossip circle, you know how to elegantly rebuff requests to join in.

No one could have formulated his theory any more elegantly-or anguished more over its implications.

Although effort is required to bend a joint or flex a muscle, the body is able to recycle much of the energy expended through spring-like tendons and elegantly arranged muscles.

They start up the hall, past the elegantly framed travel posters, the superintendent right behind her, watching that she doesn’t steal anything.

The software Gapminder elegantly displays four dynamic variables at once.

These applications generally deal elegantly with adding double-quotes when needed, as well as providing clear, tabular view of mappings.