
First she ramped up taxes on farmers, then last year she nationalised private pension funds.

None had their food intake artificially limited or, as with livestock, ramped up.

If production is ramped up, the captured carbon could be used for enhanced oil recovery or, in the longer term, possibly pumped into the deep ocean.

The drone attacks have been ramped up over the past three years, with a record 118 stroke last year and 50 so far in 2011.

At the same time both candidates have ramped up their web efforts, with Obama's camp calling for web developers to "Write Software, Change Washington" and McCain's camp launching a new-look website.

As you pass, move and dribble, the improved response times and fluidity in movement has been ramped up, with small added animations making it look better and of course make it more responsive.

Authorities say they have ramped up their activities, with 58 anti-deforestation operations this year.

This feature will be ramped up in phases during the next two months, so please be patient.

Such fears have ramped the price of gold up to an incredible $1,545 a troy ounce, up almost sixfold in a decade.

After an initial deployment of 5,000 troops the number was ramped up to 100,000 within three days. The official media, often reticent about reporting bad news, rapidly updated casualty Numbers.

With the arrival of George Lucas, the pace has ramped up.

Guided by twinkling lights embedded in the terminal's ceiling, arriving visitors glide up ramped floors and across broad pedestrian Bridges before spilling out onto the elevated concourse.

The roses ramped over the wall.

New workers can now be hired at lower rates than those ramped up by the United Auto workers during the boom years.


While other lenders struggled, he ramped up his sales efforts.

The drone attacks, a supposedly "secret" programme started by the CIA in 2004, have been ramped up over the past three years, with a record 118 strikes last year and 50 so far in 2011.

Mr Wagoner has since ramped up Chinese operations, lining up a string of highly profitable joint-ventures and assembly operations.

With the economy slowing ahead of the congressional election in June last year, Ms Fernández ramped up spending on public works and the unemployed, treating the pension system as a piggy bank.