
The use of elementary geometry method can give conformal demonstration of lineal function in infinite eigenvector.

The Expansions of rectifying latitude, conformal latitude and authalic latitude in mathematical cartography is researched in the paper.

Abstract: We employ a finite element algorithm, based on boundary conformal mapping technique, to investigate the effect of kinetics on crystal growth of garnets from the melt.

But the magic of a conformal mapping is that the device is guaranteed to operate in identical fashion to the circular version, just with the geometry of all the critical elements (semiconductor, metal, field lines and current flows) transformed by the mapping.

Objective to discuss errors of conformal plumbic blocks made with manual cutter and automatic cutter.

This paper deals with the electrostatic field by conformal transformation in angular space, an infinite line-charge is located in flat plate conductor.

There are three popular map projections in Antarctica-Polar Stereographic projection, Transverse Mecator projection and Lambert conformal Conic projection. They are all conformal.

How to find the proper analytical-functions for conformal map-pings is the key to the problems of this kind.


A novel beam steering system of a conformal cone-borne phased array is presented here.

The results of flat-top wave beam and cosecant square wave beam, which are gained using this method, are fairly good, testifying this method is effective in beam shaping of conformal arrays.

M axcess is specialized in the business of the world-class brand adhesives, pottings, conformal coatings, lubricants, etc.

Conclusions Three dimensional conformal radiotherapy is able to prolong the survival and to improve the life quality of patients with recurrent rectal cancer.