
The two scenarios provide illustrations of consistent set of outcomes for range of possible policies.

To find all scenarios, we need to draw all possible lines through this graph.

You need to be testing as you go along, not only unit testing But also testing entire scenarios.

Instead of looking at scenarios and forecasts, you should be looking to see how fragile your portfolio is.

As we noted earlier, every use case has a set of scenarios representing the main and alternate flows of events, respectively.

Having performed these steps, you should now have a rough, creative overview of how the product is going to address user goals in the form of context scenarios, and a reductive list of needs and requirements extracted from your research, user models, and the scenarios.

This minimal working set can be determined via Goal-Directed Design methods: by using scenarios to discover the functional needs of your personas. These needs translate directly to the contents of the minimal working set.

Published scenarios and unpublished scenarios have the same WSTF features available to them-the only difference is whether non-members can see them.

Browse through the scenarios to find the right one by matching the requirements for your solution.

The primary purpose here is to eliminate as much preconception as possible, allowing designers to be open-minded and flexible as they use their imagination to construct scenarios, and use their analytic minds to derive requirements from these scenarios.

New ad-hoc capabilities such as subtasks and follow-on tasks enable delegation and work subdivision scenarios in the area of collaboration between humans.

Patients with damage to their hippocampus are unable to recollect the past, but they are also unable to construct detailed images of future scenarios. They appear to be stuck in time.

Rather than approaching them hypothetically, find out how these issues affect practical applications — otherwise, you may not be able to apply them to the scenarios presented in the exam.

RSS servers can be geographically distant from the primary server, serving as remote back-up servers in disaster-recovery scenarios.

This is due to the fact that the link between scenarios and requirements is neither formally expressed nor supported by any tools.

"You can imagine the pregnant woman working in a hotel, cleaning up urine," he said. "One can generate scenarios."But from what we know and what has been looked at, that hasn't been the case.

We'll go through these scenarios and talk about what you need to deploy in each one.

This allows for customized display of columns in drill-down and cooperative mode scenarios, including ordering or hiding of drill-down columns.


Which legacy IT system should be regarded as the master and in which transaction scenarios?

Some scenarios include a long-running process that needs to be invoked by a short-running process, which would result in a violation of the layering principle.

All three scenarios of ownership transfer below assume that the database is not created with the new restrictive option.

We then will go to Seabrook and then Pilgrim and we'll do various accident scenarios in their plant simulators which are as you know a replica of the control room of each of those plants.

A powerful tool in the early stages of developing scenarios is to pretend the interface is magic.