my space造句

A lot of people are shuttling around in my space every day. How many people care about my loneliness?

You seem to be a fairy goddess in the dream, and you have my space. I seem to lie in your warm dream, unwilling to wake up.

Sure, I'd find myself frustrated by a pile of paper from time to time, but paper never took over my space.

my space造句

You come, my world blooms, you go, my space is chaos.

If I suddenly disappear, will you seriously look at every article in my space, and then understand how much I cherish you.

The first day to my space !

Plants crowd my space. I am surrounded by large banana leaves — huge splashes of heartwarming yellow-green color — and stringy vines of green beans entwining every vertical surface.

I have very little content in my space, which must disappoint you. I'm sorry about that.

In many dark night, I often lay against the corner of the wall and lighting up many cigarette, let that blight fire warm up the coldness in heart, let it listen the dropping sound of the tears, light blue smoke silently fill up my space.

I just published some Grad's pictures on my space, no more words, only Take Care!