
Like Iran, it says its aim is Israel's destruction.

Desperation, death and destruction are synonymous with Sudan.

The grave digger laughs as if the destruction of Athens is a joke.

It also authorizes the seizure and destruction of equipment used to manufacture counterfeit goods.

Not even official preservation orders have managed to stop the relentless destruction of Shanghai's beautiful old buildings.

Assessment reports indicate the destruction of homes, schools; water and sanitation systems are unrelenting threats to child survivors.

A Marine bivalve mollusk of the family Pholadidae, having a long shell with which it bores into wood, rock, and clay, often causing destruction of wharf pilings.

In company with our brave allies and brothers in arms on other fronts, you will bring about the destruction of the German war machine.

One key driving force behind bee destruction in Europe and North America has been a type of mite, the varroa destructor pest, which attacks bees and that beekeepers struggle to control, Neumann said.

"and I took you into the lands of the amorites on the other side of Jordan; and they made war on you, and I gave them into your hands and you took their land; and I sent destruction on them before you."

The destruction of the story means the destruction of a basic instrument of human knowledge and self-knowledge.

Any change, destruction, or alteration of the names registered in historical deeds and maps is like the destruction of ancient works and is considered as an improper action.

The Lord, the Lord Almighty, will carry out the destruction decreed upon the whole land.

He decides to get the bounty raised by weaving a path of destruction across North and South America.

This road leads to wisdom much deeper than just practical knowledge; it also leads to compassion which results from destruction of one's ego.

and I will make my agreement with you; never again will all flesh be cut off by the waters; never again will the waters come over all the earth for its destruction.

Self improvement is masturbation. Now self destruction

Backtracking the trail of destruction unraveled the whole tale.

The real extinction problem, he says, is human population pressure: habitat destruction, pesticide abuse, overharvesting, and species invasion.

Security involves both managerial and technical measures to protect against loss and the unauthorized access, destruction, use, or disclosure of the data.

"Multiple sclerosis (MS): Disease of the Brain and spinal cord in which gradual, patchy destruction of the myelin sheath of nerve fibres causes interruption or disordered transmission of nerve impulses."

After such destruction many problems in resettlement often arise.

And excavations will reveal the destruction layers under the floor of new cities. So following the biblical account, we would expect evidence of a thirteenth century destruction of Canaanite cities.

The increasing number of citizen groups, business and governments taking an active interest in slowing down the destruction and pollution of the ocean is encouraging, says senior researcher and author Anne, siting a host of efforts already under way:

Throughout this time period, the document destruction continued, despite reservations by some of petitioner's managers.

He then appealed to the young not to allow "the loss of life and the destruction that you have witnessed to arouse bitterness or resentment in your hearts."

Gaddafi also declared he would dismantle all weapons of mass destruction.


So what touched off such wanton destruction?

This tells us that Luke is writing after the destruction of Jerusalem because he tells you it happens.

That is a very good thing, he adds: after all, the Tory party spent more than a decade testing to destruction the idea that it could win by rallying its core vote.