
An automatic means to prepare an index.

What an excellent day for an exorcism.

Vinegar is an acid.

He keeps an apiary.

I had ananswer to my inquiries an hour ago.

You're only an ocean away.

An empty cave without anything


An hour ago, an honest man accepted an honorable task.

an ill payer never wants an excuse.

an invigilator; a proctor

In essence, this is anan electrical transmission line.

It was an uneasy alliance.

An interfaith marriage;an interfaith forum.

Give you an injection,

An alcoholic goes an hour without a drink.

An entry in an account.

In these matters olympias was an expert and an enthusiast.

This is an optional step.

An unlock operation involves an atomic machine operation.

You need an injection.

WAI-ARIA - an accessibility standard.

an employee on strike against an employer.