
But the scheme is looking shaky after months of neglect.

But with the other engines of Japan's growth still shaky, it might not be their last.

His grasp of foreign affairs remains shaky, although he has promised to improve relations with both America and Israel.

My breathing grew so shaky that the anesthesiologist gave me oxygen and then, thankfully, put me back to sleep.

They flog themselves for any failure, letting their self-esteem bend and bow at the face of disappointments and triumphs. For many, self-esteem is shaky at best.

And look at the bright side: With the economy still shaky and unemployment stubbornly high, her decision to pursue a specific marketable skill may turn out to be smarter than you think.

The mining technique is shaky.

This is a good time to push for change, for the zoning system is looking shaky.

The Numbers emerging out of developing countries over the past month, even the past week, are shaking and shaky.

Fonts that work together well in print don't necessarily work on the screen, since the anti-aliasing makes them unstable and shaky.

But there were unifying themes, too: tents, social media, the "human microphone" - where the crowds chant back phrases uttered by a speaker, and shaky "jazz hands" to indicate agreement.

It is difficult to traverse the shaky bridge.

It is this shaky experience with cap-and-trade that might explain an unlikely advocate of a carbon tax.

Hence the necessity, even at this stage, of a show of financial force, linked to the construction of a stronger firewall between Greece and Europe’s other shaky countries.

Meanwhile, housing markets look shaky just as government schemes to support the sector are ending.

A default could spread panic to other deficit-plagued economies, including those of Spain and Portugal, with scary consequences for Europe's already shaky banking system.

But, even then, do you really want to put all your eggs in the euro basket when the future of the currency itself looks shaky, much more shaky than it did six months ago?


The chair is a bit rickety [shaky].

It was simply making money for its partners and investors by examining closely the shaky foundations of the mortgage mania, and undermining them.

So tarantulas often use silk much like Spider-Man does when wall-crawling—to stick to surfaces and stay firmly attached, even when the ground is shaky, the research confirmed.