
Vacations help us regain that sense of spontaneity and self-expression.

The deal was not perfect, but marked "a solid start for Iraq to regain its full sovereignty in three years."

His victory scattered the tribes of the Golden Horde and allowed the Russians to regain control of the territory, tow,

Clinton, on the other hand, hopes her attacks on what she describes as Obama's inexperience will blunt his drive and give her a chance to regain momentum.

He then gave himself up to his happiness. He would no longer be alone. He was, perhaps, about to regain his liberty;

To regain these lost hours each day, she spent the whole time behind her chauffeur reading and working, often stopping several times along the way to throw up out of carsickness.


Lincoln begins to regain consciousness in the cluttered junkyard garage.

The government is trying to regain control of public finances after a splurge to win last year's election.

The patient will undergo physical therapy to regain use of her face; the nerves should regenerate in three to six months, Siemionow said.

President Obama has set off on a bus tour of Midwestern states to try to regain the political initiative after weeks of bad economic news and repeated attacks by Republican opponents.

And now Russia wants to regain influence in its backyard.

To cool herself and regain mental balance she went out of the room and had a walk in the garden.

The generalists are willing to pay this price because they are confident that when the inflationary pressures dissipate, they will be able to regain control.

Struggling to regain his balance, he was hit from behind by another skier and fell again.

Supportive therapy includes evaluation, reassurance, and informational counseling, and is an important part of therapy in an attempt to help the patient regain control over her life.

It turned out, the layoff was just what I needed to regain some balance.

Because the seven-year contract with Alfa Music will officially be up this month, Jay Chou, who is about to regain "freedom", has become the targetted "prey" of various record comapnies, and he himself also has plans to go independent and set up his own company.

Given the seriousness of global food supply and demand imbalances, cereal markets may not regain their stability any time soon.

He did not try to plant a Spanish flag atop the limestone outcrop that gives Gibraltar its nickname of “the Rock”. Nor did he renounce a centuries-old battle to regain sovereignty.