
Arkansas, Indiana and Nevada do still allow small smiles.

Senators from Arkansas and North Dakota have questioned why the minimum is so low.

Divorce can happen quickly in Arkansas, and she certainly had grounds.

Then in 2004 a kayaker caught a glimpse of a majestic woodpecker in a wildlife refuge in Arkansas.

The voters of Arkansas preferred over Mr By a wide margin in the presidential race of 2008.

Two of Mrs Clinton's closest associates from her years in Arkansas, Jim McDougal, her property partner, and Webb Hubbell, her law-firm partner, were later convicted of felonies.

At the same time, nothing in Honolulu or Cambridge or Chicago taught Obama what Clinton learned in Arkansas: how to reach out to these people and to know what, and what not, to say to them.

But mass deaths of thousands of birds and millions of fish were also reported elsewhere in Arkansas, in nearby states, and finally worldwide, from Scandinavia to the South Pacific.


A city of northeast Arkansas northeast of Little is the seat of Arkansas State University(founded1909)lation, 46, 535.

He dragged it out forever by telling everything his researchers could find out about Arkansas.

She thought I should finish the work I had started in Arkansas and keep building a national base of support.

My largest contributor was my friend Anne Bartley, governor Winthrop Rockefellers stepdaughter, who later ran the Arkansas office in Washington, D.C., when I was governor.

Victories in the recent Iowa caucuses by the Democratic Senator from Illinois, Barack Obama, and the former Republican governor of Arkansas, Mike Huckabee, have reshaped the race for the White House.


I persuaded Dorothy Moore, from Arkansas City in deep southeast Arkansas, to greet people and answer phones in the reception area.

A couple of months ago, few people had heard of him outside his native Arkansas, where he was governor.

Forecasters say the storm system will push east, bringing an increased risk of tornadoes Tuesday to parts of Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana.

After a few days to pack up and say last good-byes, I drove back to Arkansas with my roommate Jim Moore to work on Senator Fulbright’s reelection campaign.

Brady Cox is an assistant professor of civil engineering at the University of Arkansas.

When it was rare for women to do so, she had graduated from law school and then briefly practiced law in southwest Arkansas.

Haw Creek Falls, Arkansas, at Night.

The Arkansas Education Association (AEA) went ballistic, accusing me of degrading teachers and using them as scapegoats.


Applying in Arkansas was a big advantage.

In 1990 the state Department of Pollution Control and Ecology found that more than 90 percent of the streams in northwest Arkansas, where the poultry industry was concentrated, were polluted.

He also had a sister in southeast Arkansas who was willing to take him in.

Jimmy said I was a good man and had been a good governor, but that no Arkansas governor who had lost for reelection had ever been elected again.