
a group advancing in a single-file serpentine path.

With advancing age, my grandpa gets more and more serious presbyopia.

Specifically, you will be rewarding behavior that has nothing to do with advancing your business.

peek() can find out the next event, if any, to be returned by the iterator without advancing it.

Or are we on a collision course with some future crisis whose advancing outlines we can dimly perceive but seem powerless to stop?

The advancing horde of Elites and Hunters was only two hundred meters away. A few in their ranks fired, and wild energy bolts streaked overhead.

With Nazi forces advancing rapidly on the valley and British Spitfires desperately trying to draw German fire, the transport planes evacuated about 1,000 wounded partisans in a matter of hours.


They machine-gunned the advancing troops.

It was an imposing scene, into which Deerslayer now found himself advancing.

Heavy fighting continued around Zlitan, where rebels advancing from Misrata had less success in breaking the resistance of loyalist forces.

While strengthening international non-proliferation efforts, we shall not neglect the importance of advancing arms control and disarmament process, in particular nuclear disarmament.

In lean economic times, the message at the 2009 UN economic and Social Council's special event on philanthropy focused on the power of partnerships in advancing the global public health agenda.

The whole area was laid waste by the advancing army.

And it will force them to be more imaginative in advancing their core ideas.

Later, once the advancing deserts were halted, smallholders started harvesting and selling lumber for a living, while keeping the sheltering greenbelts in place.

China is advancing towards modernization.

I want to thank Vice Premier Wang in particular for his personal role in advancing this agenda.

You can ask them to come back for a look. One visit is not enough. They will have a better understanding of China if they come several times. They will see how our country is advancing.

Those born in such a year, it is believed, have the best chance of advancing to exalted positions and achieving great wealth.

French armored vehicles had been seen advancing on the residence ahead of Mr. Gbagbo's capture.

Society is advancing with the passage of time. I trust the tragedy of the stranded whale at Bohai Bay more than 20 years ago will never repeat itself at any time, anywhere.

The troops were firing away at the advancing enemy.