
We do everything we can to make your trip pleasurable.

Slow down on weekends. A slower household pace means pleasurable interaction time between family memebers.

It all depends on perspective; on how you see the situation. Viewing everything as a learning experience makes life more pleasurable, even during the hard times.

Commuting is a migraine-inducing life-suck—a mundane task about as pleasurable as assembling flat-pack furniture or getting your license renewed, and you have to do it every day.

Sung people can get away from the tradition of the grief instead of taking what comes and be contented when they have bad luck in life, that is because of they take delight in doing something as a pleasurable occupation inside and suiting outside.

We gradually learn to adapt pleasurable activities in our lives.

Most people would agree that reading a magazine should be a relaxing, pleasurable experience.

But even pleasurable mental fantasies left participants no happier than when they were focused on whatever activity they were doing: weaving through traffic, tying their shoes, writing out a check.


Suddenly it would not be pleasurable work anymore.

There are some studies in which some dopamine [-producing cells] in the brain are activated by both painful and pleasurable stimulation.

Why is the pleasurable sensation worth having?

According to Goosens, adrenaline also increases visual acuity and other sensory thresholds, making the world a more intense and pleasurable place.

Seeing cities from on top of a bike is both pleasurable and instructive.

It seems that when men climax, a cocktail of drugs is released in the brain, including oxytocin, which is linked to a pleasurable sense of relaxation, and prolactin, which is linked to sleep.

One reason humans are attracted to food is because it is rewarding and pleasurable.