
Do you think the China-India agreement will facilitate or obstruct the negotiation process?

Yet there would still be a fair number of politicians who would try to obstruct our freedom agenda.

Although the chaebol have played a vital role in South Korea's development, they also suck up credit and obstruct the rise of start-ups.

Observers now expect the pro-independence opposition to try to obstruct the deal in the legislature, where the review procedures for ECFA are not yet clear.

In fact, it will likely obstruct the user's workflow.

Newtonian and catadioptric telescopes have secondary (or diagonal) mirrors that obstruct a small percentage of light from the primary mirror.

If the negative impacts are not handled properly, it will affect and obstruct the steady and consistent growth of the world economy.

Phone line usage jumps up during disasters because of people trying to confirm the safety of themselves or others. This can obstruct emergency phone calls, such as 110, 119.

But too often, the Republican leadership in the United States Senate chooses to filibuster our recovery and obstruct our progress.

But that's also why it was so disappointing to see Senate Republicans obstruct the American jobs Act, even though a majority of Senators voted "yes" to advance this jobs bill.

In between Total Control and No Control there must be some alternative theory that's hard to look at squarely because these practical strategic concerns obstruct our view.

Thus unavailability of data source will not obstruct execution of queries.

Cern had to clean "soot-like dust" from the firehose-size pipes meant to contain an extreme vacuum so that nothing would obstruct the proton beams passing through.


Some point out that neither elephants nor giraffes sport long, thick tails to obstruct male access.