
Her behavior will leave a stigma on her family.

Sadly, borrowing from the fund carries a stigma.

However, at the same time it removes from vita contemplative the modern stigma of passivity.

Until very recently, developing the Amazon was the priority, and some settlers feel betrayed by the new stigma surrounding deforestation.

Once seen as the last resort for a bunch of lonely geeks, online-dating services have gradually shed much of the stigma formerly associated with them.

While some patients prefer the label of Asperger's, perceiving it to carry less stigma, the Autistic Self Advocacy Network backs the working group's proposal.

In a crafty move, the Fed cut the excess charge by half in mid-August and stage-managed borrowing by some obviously solvent Banks to lessen the stigma of using the discount facility.


Grains of pollen on a geranium stigma.

Left poor and marked by the stigma of AIDS, the girl had little to hope for.

Raising the social stigma against smoking helped to curb the practice, as did higher taxes on cigarettes.

In Asia, a lingering stigma attaches to IMF lending as a result of the intrusive conditions it enforced during the financial crisis there a decade ago.

There is still a stigma attached to discount-window borrowing, which means Banks may be unwilling to avail themselves of it until it is too late, even when they are truly desperate.

Divorce has lost much of its stigma, or shame.

At the microspore stage, the spathe unfolded and the stigma was unvisibale.

She still encounters that stigma within her own family. "Even my father and a brother think I'm on mind-altering drugs," she said.

Those living in the shadow of stigma.

He maintains that the stigma associated with wealth in the past, sometimes deservedly, has lifted in recent years.

So far only a few emerging economies, such as Mexico and Poland, have signed up, not least because of the stigma attached to any hint of a loan from the IMF.

What amazes me is that there seems to be a stigma attached to spending time with oneself.

Related columns: obesity and laxity; obesity and stigma; girth control; the global explosion of fat.

This shift reflects a new attitude towards appearance and mental health: the notion that at least some defects cause unfair suffering and social stigma is now widely accepted.

The pollen is shed directly on the stigma.