
Perhaps the most prominent modern social contract theorist was the late Harvard professor John Rawls.

In the 18th century, the English philosopher and social theorist Jeremy Bentham designed the Panopticon, a hypothetical prison.

One of Mr Werning’s ambitions is to unite Ramsey’s work with that of another elegant theorist, Sir James Mirrlees.

A study for the American Enterprise Institute, a think-tank, cites a Chinese theorist who argues that China should adopt a policy of overt deterrence in space.


For a theorist, this magnification is worrisome.

The key to personal identity not the only thing a soul theorist can say But the natural thing for a soul theorist to say the key to personal identity is having the very same soul.

Perhaps most important for some theorists, "SUSY is very beautiful mathematically, " says Ben Allanach, a theorist at the University of Cambridge.

Lane was not merely a theorist, but an activist as well.

In the wild, a lone human would not be able to survive without culture, explained evolutionary theorist Rob Boyd of University of California, Los Angeles.

Suppose the soul theorist answers that last objection by saying,Ain't ever going to happen.

But you're not a theorist.

As the urban theorist Richard Florida writes in the Great Reset, part of that process may be under way already.

Needless to say, it's the central word in Derrida, which is nevertheless not classifiable or categorizable, and so for that reason we can't really say Derrida is specifically a literary theorist.