
The soldier saluted his officer.

The guard saluted the general smartly.

They saluted each other by raising their hats.

They saluted the Queen by firing 1000 guns.

The soldiers saluted to the general as he was inspecting the army.

A dozen burly men saluted the Egyptian flag and sang the national anthem, tears streaming down their faces.

He clicked his heels, saluted and said "Good morning" --and Pomona answered by bending double over her work and squelching mud till he went away.

Nothing daunted, he allowed me to have my say, then took up his discourse where he had left it, finished it to the last word, saluted me profoundly, and marched off his contingent.

The guard saluted me smartly.

The guard saluted the officer in the car.

With folded hands he saluted the Master and took his seat at one side.

Musharraf was saluted by his troops in farewell ceremonies Tuesday on his last full day as Pakistan's army chief.

In this attire, he went into the market place but no one saluted him and no one gave him any presents.


Mary was saluted warmly.

The officers saluted as the soldiers marched past.

“And instead of saying what I might say today, I saluted and went and did something else,” she says.

A bell chimed the hour of the Castel Gandolfo, the Papal summer residence, the Swiss Guards swung shut and bolted the massive outer doors, they saluted and hung up their halberts.

Our ears were saluted by hostile shouts.

On the way home to sleep in his own bed, he’d be saluted by sailors back from fighting the German U-boats in the Atlantic.

Hostile shouts saluted their ears.

The Sergeant threw the frayed sheaf of football-pool coupons aside and snatched the radio. He saluted smartly, his huge belly juggling like a water gourd.

Also, the way he and Prince Harry both saluted a various intervals when passing guard formations?

I saluted a nobody.

He saluted with a click of his heels.