
She returned wearing a dab of rouge on each cheekbone.

I generally feel more confident when I'm wearing a cologne of some sort -just a dab under my ears.

Chasing after his dog, the boy tripped over a log and fell smack dab into what some call "the Rosetta stone of human evolution."

Put concealer under your eyes, curl your eyelashes, and then use a tiny dab (use your finger) of Vaseline on them.

She paused to dab at her eyes with tissue.

In a pinch, dab on a little honey and then cover with a bandAge.

Do avoid eating a lot of protein, But a small piece of cheese or a dab of peanut butter with your crackers is OK.

Heymsfield and colleagues flew smack-dab into the hole-punch discovery after having conducted a cloud study from a heavily instrumented turboprop plane near Denver International Airport in 2007.

Of course, if you'd really like a boost, dab a bit of grapefruit juice behind your ear lobes.

But this can be extremely difficult to see right now as we are smack-dab in the middle of it, directly in the thick and dense processing phase where it is so easy to get lost in fear and anxiety.

What I'm getting at is hardly news to anyone: We're smack dab in the middle of the Age of Immediacy.

To start, skip powder and just dab some concealer under your eyes and over blemishes.

A dab of hydrogen peroxide and a flash of ultraviolet light serve as the final sterilizing gatekeepers before the water reenters potable supplies.


Both Louis XIV and Charles II were dab hands.