
In fact, many cases never leave the original winery.

His "winery" was called Doe Haunch and was a major family joke.

When he denied that, she resorted to violent, humiliating denouncements in the kitchens, the winery, the plantations.

In our travels in Argentina, I've had the chance to visit Eva Peron's grave, fall in love with a local winery, and take a river cruise.

After a career as an investment banker, he returned in 2000 with his family to set up the winery in what was left of his village, naming it Chateau Belle-Vue after the hotel his grandfather ran there.

The earthquake damaged winery installations, too.

The visit to the winery has been put off till Friday.

As "the business card of the winery", the top section projects from the hillside and cantilevers out over the valley.

I reached him early this year at the winery he owns with his wife in the Cape Province of South Africa.


The winery closed two years ago.

When South Koreans buy Chilean wine, they convert their Korean won to U. s. dollars, and send those dollars to the winery in Chile. The winery then converts the dollars into Chilean pesos.

Wrong, Wallace said; it was actually a ton of work. In six months, he wrote 200 blog posts, shot 45 videos, sent 7, 000 tweets and attended numerous events to promote the winery, he recalled.

The next winery on our list is another name now impressing international wine circles.

保罗·梅森酒厂(PaulMasson winery)曾使用过一条广告语,其发言人奥森·威尔斯(OrsonWelles)让这句话家喻户晓。

So getting the grapes to the winery every year, across what was often the frontline of warring factions, was a dangerous undertaking.

Our next stop is the exquisitely tasteful Massaya winery.

They hosted events with chefs, outdoor music concerts, and filled the winery and its grounds with art.