
Gill said the technique could make kidney donations more palatable by sharply reducing recovery time.

Slurp 15 milliliters (about atablespoon) of vinegar daily, perhaps diluting it with milk or soda to make itless acidic and more palatable.

While this may be a politically palatable short-term approach, we may once again face the onset of damaging inflation and the economic instability that history has shown will follow.

This cake Albert baked is quite palatable.

Schwartz, therefore, advises approaching the mastery of these tasks as a lifelong learner, which makes it all more palatable.

In a calculated snub to the idealists who tried to make the R2P idea nuanced and hence palatable, he says a more accurate name for the concept would be the "right to intervene" or R2I.

In many ways Kafka's story is just as true as Aesop's fable, but it is a much less palatable truth.


We had long conversations with friends about how to describe a good meal or dish, looking for ways to say tasty, yummy, appetizing, delectable, scrumptious, palatable, and on and on.


Most articles are certainly not palatable to a larger circle.

Food processing converts relatively bulky, perishable and typically inedible raw materials into more useful, shelf-stable and palatable foods or potable beverages.