
Why are you fucking smoking?

We left it in the fucking taxi.

I'm so fucking tired of not being a multimillionaire.

Marchionne (played by Al Pacino) : "Do you think I'm fucking stupid?"

This is fucking dynamite. Does he always talk to you like this?

You could argue that he totally lived up to the lyrics of "Borrowed Time, " but you'd be a fucking prick for doing so.

If Larry took my last spare bottle to use in his fucking Sno-Kone machine, by Christ, I swear I’ll—oh, thank God. Here it is, back behind the Kahlúa and the walnut liqueur.


You're not your fucking khakis.

Hey, my son is "fucking retarded."

Oh my God, dammit, there's the fucking limit.

You do that and I'm a fucking dead man. - You poor fella.

First of all, what kind of magical fucking aspirin are you taking that has the tenacity to still be fighting a headache well into the morning?

"Six fucking million," Cal said.

It's a great trip, but the ending fucking sucks.

"We got fucking blown up real bad yesterday," he explained, noticing me as I stared at his leg.

You don't fucking smoke.

I guess everyone wants to be a fucking hero. Everyone wants to save something.

I went through traffic like a knife through butter on my Peugeot. It was like a scalpel that cut between cars. My mom's bike is like a fucking mallet.

There are plenty of Amish who use cellphones, sothey’re fucking hypocrites.

Cleans the place out, doesn't even lift a fucking finger.

When he witnesses this, his girlfriend's father backs away from the table and screams, "Okay, enough already, I'll do the fucking dishes!"

Taiping is just too fucking small!