
He is a foxy person and most of us don't trust him.

At my sister's house this afternoon we were helping her teenaged daughters get ready for their Victorian London party: one a foxy chimney sweep, the other a street urchin.


He's a very foxy singer and dancer.

Paige Thompson, a 21-year-old American girl, had a foxy idea when she puckered up in front of the mirror. She started to paint amazing animal designs on her own lips, Daily Mail of London reported.

After the hunter left, the foxy Wolf wanted to eat the teacher. Fortunately, there came an old man, he saved the teacher in time.

Wow, don't you think she's foxy?

cunning men often pass for wise; deep political machinations; a foxy scheme; a slick evasive answer; sly as a fox; tricky Dick; a wily old attorney.