
The men on the sacking platform had used up all the sacks.

And there was a delay of some ten years before the Achaeans succeeded in sacking Troy.

To some, his sacking was reminiscent of the arrest of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, a Business oligarch, in 2003.

Mr Dahal was protesting against a move by the President, egged on by the aforementioned critics, to reverse his sacking of the country's army chief, General Rookmangud Katawal.

Those who are kept on beyond that age must be given six months' notice of any attempt to “retire”them, lest it be used as a cover for sacking.

On one hand, the fourth-century theologian Augustine responded to the sacking of Rome with a detailed scriptural argument for two cities: the City of Man and the City of God.

She sniffed the sacking, drawn by the scent of the blood. "leave."

When the 1998 crisis struck, Mr Yeltsin defused the situation by sacking the prime minister and the entire government.

In late September, Russia’s biggest carmaker, which has 25% of the market, announced the sacking of 28,000 employees, nearly a third of its (admittedly bloated) workforce.

One evening Captain Mironoff informed his officers that the Yaikian Cossacks, led by Emelyan Pougatcheff, who claimed to be the dead Emperor Peter III, had risen and were sacking fortresses and committing outrages everywhere.

This meant reporting plagiarists, denying them research funding, sacking them, and possibly suing them.

That's not Pardew's fault. It's the hangover from the appalling sacking of Chris Hughton and the anger directed towards Mike Ashley and Derek Llambias.

Argentina's mass looting was called el saqueo – the sacking.

If it is then found that someone does not have the degree they claimed, employers still have to prove they can't do the job before sacking them.


The latest de-facto sacking illustrates the structural weaknesses of Brazil's system of government.

But after the disgrace and sacking of the railways minister and a series of other corruption investigations, the construction of the system itself may be shunted onto the slow track.

Wang Baoqiang announced online on Sunday that he was divorcing his wife, Ma Rong, and sacking his agent, Song Zhe.

Before his sacking last week Megson indicated that the simmering resentment and hostility that was being directed towards him was taking its toll on the players and affecting the team's confidence.