
Ancient trees towered to the skies.

The great beeches towered up towards the sky.

Churches in the Christian areas towered over low-rise, beige houses.

A kilometre away the Ministry of Truth, his place of work, towered vast and white above the grimy landscape.

The general may not have been the perfect leader for his country, But at the time he towered over anyone else.

Great, solid banks of cloud, anvil-topped, towered up like a range of mountains, black at the bases and grey at the summits.

At the far end of the bridge the walls of the city towered high above them and the brazen gates stood open in the gateway which was really wide but looked narrow because it was so very high.


He towered over his classmates.

The citadel at Besançon towered above the river.

He averaged 4.8 rebounds per game against opponents that towered over his 6-foot - 5 frame.

Mountains of water ice towered above smooth plains, jumbled together as if ancient tectonic forces had pushed them across a sea of soft nitrogen ice like drifting icebergs.

Above towered the white dagoba, its chalky paleness casting a chilly gloom on all around so that the three lakes, despite their man-made adornments, revealed their full northern bleakness.

But Jesus towered over all this.

A stark, rocky promontory towered over a stand of majestic pines.

The master's bedchamber was situated in a section built originally in the fifteenth century, facing sheer rock precipices that towered over a narrow glen.

He towered above the crowd.

Two cranes towered above the structure as of last week, visible to farmers across Huangjia Lake fertilizing vegetable plots.

All his life he had thought in terms of tunnels and skyscrapers and great squat dams and tall, three-towered bridges, that were like dancers holding hands in a row, with heads as tall as cities and skirts of cable strand.

He envisioned himself as a third baseman, but his body had other ideas. Kupchak soon towered over his peers.

Huge blocks of cement and glass towered over asphalt parking lots.

The old oaks, which had seen Indians pass under their limbs, hugged the house closely with their great trunks and towered their branches over the roof in dense shade.

He stood up and towered over her.