
Master a basic trampoline bounce with a circus gymnastics performer in this free video on trampoline stunts.

She also had fun jumping up and down on the trampoline.

Those who do not suffer from balance problems can achieve many of the same benefits from a mini-trampoline.

In 2004 his father wanted to start an indoor trampoline league, mounting wall-to-wall trampolines in a warehouse in Las Vegas.

On Aug. 18 — the same day as when China's great male hope, hurdler Liu Xiang, flopped in the qualifiers — Chinese women quietly triumphed on the trampoline and uneven bars.

Girls school pupils are less bothered about what they look like. Even of our sixth formers are still happy to put on a leotard and jump on a trampoline.


What's the difference between a viola and a trampoline?

Features: beach volleyball fencing badminton softball trampoline rowing cycling venues volleyball and so on.

Whether they are rowing, diving or enjoying themselves on a trampoline, Phevos and Athena see sports as a game, as all children do.

Delaney's wife is the origin of his idea: "Nyssa asked me to get her a mini trampoline as a gift. After about a week of using it, she said it was getting boring.

A gymnast on the trampoline was turning (ie performing) somersaults.

Youngsters in Soweto take turns on a portable trampoline that an itinerant vendor transports from neighborhood to neighborhood.

This paper discusses and analyzes two names of "Compulsory" and "the First Routine" of trampoline by the methods of documentation of three times and expert interview.

You take your shoes off to jump on a trampoline.

Probably, Mum won't let me go on the trampoline straight after I've finished eating, because I'd get a tummy ache. Or don't birds get tummy aches?

Alexander Moskalenko grew up in Siberia, Russia, and became a trampoline coach.

As the beetle flies, or surfs, the up and down force of its wings and the attachment of the claws make the surface of the water bounce up and down like a trampoline.

Besides my party and the trampoline in Vegas, other than that, overall the 2007 experience for me was a D.

There, I remember an amazing, heavyset young man named Darwin, blind from birth, who announced that he had his heart set on learning a front flip on the trampoline.