fond dream造句

He wants to marry Jane, but we think it a fond dream.

Gift Details: Exceed infinite energies vainly hoping that one hops off , Aikesi IQS is given to you , let you realize self fond dream.

He dreams beautiful and fond dreams.

fond dream造句

My love, my fond dream, forever keeps in your bosom.

Only pure people could enter the dreamland worlds of riot of color, powerful and unconstrained style like that, they are angels living in fond dream and imagination, the world here is always so novel,( and) interesting.

Golden Millet Dream; a fond dream; a pipe dream; a fool's paradise

Ha-ha... I want to crawl step by step upward, face, the little sky waiting for sunlight to be looking at him quietly have greatly fond dream. Look up at that solemn song is being wrapped light!

The Yuan dramatists pursue not only the fond dream of fine love and ideal marriage, but also a glorious ethics and ideal society in a profound sense.

Her fond dreams were bedashed at last.

Be how much the frenzied fond dream world Fu You double hit like 40 grade-magic weapon of (3)?