
What is more, a powerful resurgence in the carry trade seems unlikely.

The resurgence, albeit modest, of vinyl, especially among young listeners and musicians, proves that this argument is not generational.

To this has been added a big new worry: a resurgence of the xenophobic attacks in 2008 that left at least 62 dead and the country aghast.

But to think that travel is on the verge of a resurgence in terms of cash being thrown into it is foolhardy.

Ortega believed that had he lived, Jackson was poised for a career resurgence that would have restored some of the luster lost after the singer's 2005 child molestation trial.


Indeed, the club's resurgence would mirror Mr. Perez's own rise.

The increasingly isolationist temper of the American right might then lead to resurgence of its once traditional protectionism.

The address also reveals something of Jobs's humanity, something that tended to get lost in the afterglow of Apple's astonishing corporate resurgence.

For the past18 months, the fund has warned of a disorderly unwinding of these imbalances, involving a slump in the US dollar, much higher global interest rates and a global recession, risking chaos in financial markets and a resurgence of protectionism.

But more important was the resurgence in consumer spending, which accounted for half of post-slump growth, on average.

The theory of decoupling – the idea that emerging markets can grow in spite of a downturn in the developed world – has been revived after their dramatic resurgence this year.

This trend over the past two decades is a major factor in the resurgence of STIs in China.

Thinking of Moon and Inception, and now Source Code, it looks like there's a resurgence of brainy sci-fi that goes beyond exploding robots and superpowered men in tights.

He cited stronger typhoons, worsening droughts, resurgence of diseases and extinctions of species as among the alarming impacts of global warming.

And Milwaukee provides a key to that resurgence.

But for that resurgence of courage to bloom, we need to get past the cynical resignation that assumes change is impossible.