
The original chandeliers, which were gas-lit, were fitted with recessed LED lighting and glass lenses.

Windows are deeply recessed to provide depth and texture, while also minimising solar heat gain, the firm added.

The recessed niches found in nearly all ancient Egyptian tombs were meant to take the spirits of the dead to and from the afterworld.

From the street, a gate opens onto a pathway leading to an entrance incorporated in a recessed gap between the curving walls.

The space is narrated by five recessed art boxes to one side, which allow the display of various mediums of art - from drawings & paintings, to sculptural and textile installations.

This flexibility increases decoration potential, which makes recessed lighting a favorite with designers and homeowners alike.

The DT511 are again recessed in the mids, they have as much details on slow passages but not as engaging.

Surface PVC conduit and pipe in ceiling and recessed PVC conduit and pipe in floor along walls will be provided to the project.


Cross recessed small pan head screw and single coil spring lock washer assemblies

In the1980's the6100series of heavy duty recessed impeller pumps was developed to serve aggressive in-plant applications such as sludge and grit.

The committee chair recessed the hearings.

The outer mechanical seal shall BE located in a recessed housing outside the main flow path of the pump to avoid damage.

Miesian glass walls were replaced with a studied array of spotless shadow boxes protecting deeply recessed glass panes.

The nozzle (52) of a syringe (50) is inserted into a recessed part (122) formed at the tip part (121) of the side filling tube part and a saline is filled therein for flushing.

The cutting head has a projecting ridge (28) with a recessed portion (30).