
Still the sliver lay on the table, next to the teabags.

Take a wooden matchstick and slice a thin sliver from one side. Then cut the remaining stick in two, lengthwise.

Ministry of Commerce should recall the quota listed in the license and bring it into tariff quota allowance of wool and woolen sliver.

It's simple. Writing down what you love, appreciate, what is making you smile, what you are thankful for is a quick and easy way to capture a moment, a sliver of time.

Nothing says Summer like a generous sliver of ice-cold watermelon, a peach so luscious its juices run down your chin, or a heaping handful of plump, juicy blueberries.

The drawn sliver is fed between sets of rollers each of which rotates faster than the one behind it.

Only the sliver of land that is almost impossible to see from the road will remain the sanctum of his high-value crop.

Compared to the image from 1984, the image from 2009 shows that Devils Lake has expanded dramatically, and Stump Lake has grown from a small sliver to a large, curving water body.


A sliver of citrus peel twisted over or dropped into a beverage for flavoring.

But even if tort reform could save the country several billion dollars a year, that is still just a sliver of overall health spending.

A coarse sliver of fibers is fed to an opening system which opens the sliver to the point where the fibers are individual entities.

It's as if I had used a big sliver key and rolled back the roof like a lid on a sardine can.

The moon is the finest sliver of pale gold in the blackness lying over the Songshan mountains.

After my cup of tea I had a slice of toast, burnt, just how I like it, with jam. Still the sliver lay on the table, next to the teabags.

The applicants apply for import tariff quota of wool and woolen sliver by import contract of wool and woolen sliver or Approval Certificate of Processing Trade Business and related materials.