
Don't be so bookish and unrealistic.

Unlike Obama, Bush never had a reputation for being bookish.

This week's bookish movie, "Diary of a Wimpy Kid," was born from the phenomenally successful YA series by Jeff Kinney.

boozed-up Nassir, Nur's brother, buys glasses for Soraya, his bookish but myopic cousin, in defiance of his elders.

Though many other people violate the taboo, I for my part cannot bear to do the same. This again is the impractical view of a bookish person.

But at present, to meet the needs of various tests, the method of memorizing mechanically is still current and the habit of bookish study is still popular in the course of education.

" In an interview with the Nobel Foundation, Sargent described himself and his co-winner thus: "We're just bookish types that look at numbers and try to figure out what's going on.


He writes in a bookish style.

Never be so bookish and naive as to treat complex class struggle as a simple matter.

EVANGELOS VENIZELOS is a big man, built more like a rugby forward than a bookish finance minister.

When Shi Guangrong burst into the Independent League headquarters in a hurry, he saw a bookish-faced political commissar Zhang sitting there calmly reading a book.

But the literary talk is constantly being interrupted by the smaller things of life and these wonderfully human documents are an appealing mix of the bookish and the everyday.

the impractical view of a bookish person

We read our physics without any reference to physical objects and so our knowledge of the subject was correspondingly bookish.

All this is undoubtedly the pedantic view of a bookish person -- a view which must sound ridiculous to all sensible gentlemen.

He was reticent, patrician, bookish, urbane.

That’s what S meant, I decided: she would be an editor like Fuller, rather than someone bookish, like the legendarily reticent New Yorker editor William Shawn.

The independent political commissar Zhao Gang is lying on the table looking at the map. He is not tall, his body is thin, his face is white and philosophic, and he is very bookish.

For example, Bill Gates, the inventor of Microsoft, is quiet and bookish, she writes. But Gates does not care about the opinions other people may have of him.

Mr Davutoglu is an engaging, bookish character with a formidable knowledge of history.

His career took off in 1952, when he starred as the bookish high school science teacher Robinson Peepers in the TV series Mr Peepers. The series ran until 1955.

The bookish historian now accepts it, reluctantly and ungraciously enough.