
But, you know, they gave me one of those electronic bracelet thingies, you know?

But the attraction was the hot pot itself, this ancient iron monster heated by charcoal, not those nouveau thingies with induction cookers.


Photon Cannons, or the little hand thingies.

KV-85 – top turret gets these purple… thingies, that detonate HE shells. Kinda important if you don't want HE shells flying inside the space of your cupola, but nothing gamebreaking.

And K & B Innovations in Oconomowac creates "Shrinky Dinks", which are little plastic thingies that kids can color and then shrink in the oven.

Even Mantis got those thingies.

I've got no claws, no wings, no venom, even mantis has those... thingies.