
Like many of the star's red carpet favorites, it managed to be formal yet breezy.

I love the snappy crunch of cucumbers mixed with grains in side dishes, these two are favorites.

And in my hands are fresh milk and tasty bread, both of which are undoubtedly your favorites.

We omitted many sites in this roundup of personal favorites, and one such startup contacted us directly to make a case for their site.

The Lotus Notes 8.0 and later client has nice ways of linking its user interface to content pages; for example, it uses a bookmark residing in your favorites folder in the launcher bar.

One top Sina news editor admitted recently on his microblog that he'd dreamed "for many years" of setting up a page on the news portal where readers could nominate and vote for their favorites.


One of my favorites is the Indian spice blend masala.

This interface displays the current public timeline and offers functions to follow other users or mark certain messages as favorites.

And for the true Collapse aficionado, new variations and classic favorites in our Quick Play mode deliver endless, back-to-back challenges!

There were the tried-and-true favorites, like nuclear holocaust and doomsday asteroid collisions and killer viruses and Preacher Staymore’s all-time classic, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

I'm off to cuddle with one of my favorites.

As well as old favorites, the Shanghai concert was dedicated to her latest alBum, Goodbye Lullaby, released last month.

Macondo has adopted a gourmet perspective on these popular street foods, dressing up the local favorites with fine ingredients that dance across their menu.

Friends often augment their recipe collection by passing around their favorites written on CARDS.

Menu choices range from local favorites like barbecued ribs Italian beef and deep-dish pizza to more unusual items such as Cajun alligator meat.

My favorites are mango and peach, strawberries and mixed berries flavor.

You can always wear your old, torn favorites around the house, but make sure that you have a nice pair of well-fitting dark blue jeans with no overly stylized flaws to wear outside.

Zu Zu is a diverse blending of American classics serving favorites like Beef Stroganoff, Roasted Spaghetti Squash, and Heirloom Tomato and Burrata Salad.

I like to chop them up and put them in hot cereal or salads or stir frys, or just eat them raw and whole as snacks (almonds are my favorites).