
He turned to the impassive woman.

He was content to stand by as an impassive spectator.

Val glanced sideways at his mother's impassive face; it had a hunted look in the eyes.

But Paul and his friends do not feel impassive; rather, they feel as though they are losing their minds.

Frowning while someone is speaking is interpreted as a sign of disagreement. Therefore, most Chinese maintain an impassive expression when speaking.

In public, the Chinese were impassive and tough, reminding the visiting Americans of their country's problems and of the need for social stability as China undergoes profound economic transformation.


Again I was impassive and expressionless.

When the corpse passed near Javert, who was still impassive, Enjolras said to the spy.

The impassive buyer also causes the opposition to go to extreme lengths to please.

But she finished her task with perfectly impassive face, the young doctor watching her interestedly all the while. Then she went out.

His face is impassive.

She went out of the room with the tray, her face impassive and unchanged.

A crash in Egypt had left one of his eyes badly damaged and one side of his face impassive.

I looked back, my face impassive and expressionless.

Kafkaesque fantasies of the impassive interrogation, the false trial, the confiscated passport. haunt His innocence (New Yorker).

Murray appeared impassive as a court officer read the verdict.

The old Yang still and just and outside calls what, I also have no mood to realize him, feels that kind of a reptile milli - the impassive vision going back and forth on my body.

He leaned back, put his finger-tips together, and assumed his most impassive and judicial expression.

Ordinary South Koreans seem equally impassive, although South Korea’s navy takes seriously the possibility of another clash in the Yellow Sea—the last, deadly, one was in 2002.