
It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death.

But for something so tiny, these nanoparticles cause massive debate, the main charge being that their application has outrun regulation.

Indeed, they are slow enough to be outrun-which is convenient for Dr Balch and her associates.

Pushing yourself and those around you to be better is the only way to best the best... and outrun the bear.

Later, her mother extended the notion of "outrunning one classmate each time" to her studies by telling her, "If you could outrun one of your classmates in each exam, then you will be exceptional!"


Also you can outrun him to the runes and chase better for a kill.

"It is clear to most observers that the global economy has outrun our capacity to manage it," the report says.

Most insurers are reducing or eliminating guarantees on new business in the hope that profits on new policies will allow them to outrun their past mistakes.

He currently lives in Raleigh, nc with his wife (who can take a functional web app and make it actually look good) and his dog (who can outrun him, but is no match for squirrels).

Commercial real estate projects and luxury residential buildings have been overbuilt, and automobile capacity has outrun demand.

East Asian growth will continue to outrun that of other regions, if at a somewhat slower pace, with 7.1 percent growth in 2005.

He slowly changes, trying to outrun his past, never quite being able to do so.

But they’ve been unable to outrun fishing fleets, which have pushed some populations, like the Atlantic bluefin, toward the edge of extinction.

Four-wheel drive lets you outrun zombies in any road conditions, plus gives you better traction for running over any zombies who get in your way.

Sometimes actual growth in demand will outrun forecasted growth for an extended period.

That means if a bear decides to give chase, even Usain Bolt, the world record sprinter, could not outrun it.