
Intentions change and states can mislead.

Intentionally or not, it seems customers are being mislead.

The inconsistent statistics may also mislead the optimizer into choosing a bad access path.

It is irresponsible to mislead the public by putting the blame on other countries and seeking scapegoats.

The fact that some people can write papers that are purported to be "research paper examples" while they actually mislead the students cannot be ignored.

Ekman defines a lie as having two essential characteristics: there must be a deliberate choice and intent to mislead, and there must be no notification that this is what is occurring.

The tight scoreline shouldn't mislead.

Their new electronic navigator mislead them down the wrong road.

Beings without form and intelligences without bodies are spectral ghosts guaranteed to mislead.

It's very important to know the facts, figures and sources, but even when they have them, some papers will go out of their way to mislead.

So as a voter, how can you tell if the information you're getting from Twitter is legit or is something that may have been posted to deliberately mislead you?

Don't let his friendly words mislead you.

"They also had the potential to mislead parents about the potential consequences of consuming Coca-Cola," he said.

In February he sent letters to 12 economists and consultants ordering them to reveal their methodology, on the grounds that erroneous figures could mislead consumers.

Now I have just realized I mislead you in something.

I argued that I did not like to deliberately mystify people or mislead them. His reply was that I misled everybody anyway.

We don’t need advanced digital tools to mislead, to misdirect or to confuse.


Movie reviews often mislead the audience.

Exaggeration and bluffing are two other types of lies and are methods adopted by people to impress or mislead others.

3. indications or allegations the use of which in the course of trade is liable to mislead the public as to the nature, the manufacturing process, the characteristics, the suitability for their purpose, or the quantity, of the goods. Article 10ter