household chores造句

He says it, judge not upright household chores.

I switch to mentally relaxing activities like minor household chores and light reading.

A daughter is often viewed as a burden, relegated to performing arduous household chores and even forced into child marriage.

My mom and dad at home from time to time to help with household chores, also often done in the weekend activities.

The creators of HERB noted that top answers to surveys about what Americans would like robots to do consistently involve household chores such as laundry, dishwashing, and ironing.

Remember to have ever envied the elder brother's wife, still said that grew up to also resemble her the similar doing a full-time wife, at home did the household chores, ascending the internet access, quite good.

household chores造句

How do you manage work and household chores?

So it was that the prince learned to fetch wood, scrub POTS and pans, and do many other household chores.

Men said they spent 13 hours a week on household chores including cleaning the lavatory, taking out the rubbish and changing the bed linen.

Happy to break with the stereotype of the demure wife, sharp-tongued Nobuko relishes the role of Kan's toughest critic and famously spars with him over everything from household chores to tax reform.

The key here is unpaid household chores.

She said she does her own makeup and does household chores despite the challenges posed by her extremely long nails.

Jessica Alexander of the Sleep Council said women's grumpiness may be worsened because they shoulder most of the household chores in the morning.

Heavy household chores made inroads upon Jane's health.

It doesn't matter what you're doing: it could be household chores or exercise or talking with someone or taking a bath or eating.

One of the most dreaded, tedious and boring household chores is doing laundry.

Simple strategies for increasing activity include incorporating household chores such as folding laundry into TV-watching time or getting up to change a TV channel rather than using a remote control.

I even had trouble keeping up my end of the household chores, which my wife found very frustrating.

From next week the mothers will have to live in a Big Brother-style house with their potential daughters-in-law, seeing first hand how they deal with household chores.