
Stock prices took a nosedive.

Oil prices took a nosedive in the crisis.

We were all terrified when the pilot took the plane into a nosedive.

Therefore, the "Classic" made "to fill the imaginary, who is in a nosedive, the cold, heat, heat to the cold.

The two market regulators later issued a joint report in September blaming a single sale — of $4.1 billion in future contracts — for the nosedive.

"Everybody thought this young actor would have a brilliant future after he starred in two pictures that made a lot of money. Then he appeared in three films that nobody wants to see, and his career took a nosedive -- no producer wants him any more. "

The plane went into a nosedive.

These policies have sent the construction industry into an abrupt nosedive.

The stock market plummeted again yesterday. Several listed companies plagued by rumors of financial crisis saw their prices nosedive.

The music business is undoubtedly in a nosedive — worth half of what it was a decade ago, with album sales dropping 12.8% in 2010.

Other times though, things take a nosedive.

He told the tribunal his career had "taken a nosedive" since his dismissal last year.

Prices have taken a nosedive.

His career took a nosedive and he turned to drink and drugs for solace.


go into a sudden nosedive

Howard: the stock market in the US took a nosedive last night. I'll call Mr. Tsai to see if there's anything we should do.

The bank yesterday revealed a 30 percent nosedive in profits.

Stress, lack of exercise, poor eating habits, hidden health problems -- all can make his sex drive nosedive.