
And you receivers — and you are all receivers — assume no weight of gratitude, lest you lay a yoke upon yourself and upon him who gives.

If this verb exists, it will be used and it will receive the same parameters as the escalation receivers verb.

In this case, authorization management is invoked to resolve the E-mail addresses of the escalation receivers, along with their user IDs to grant them authorization for the escalation and task.

Property Management Convention agreed receivers?

The tags send out pulses of sound which can be picked up by undersea receivers.

The light sensitive receivers are found on the retina and can be likened to the pixels of a digital camera chip and are separated out into two sorts: rods and cones.

"Other devices that utilize electromagnets include particle accelerators, telephone receivers, loudspeakers, and televisions."

But what is more controversial is the similar use of the exclamation point in marking methods that are "destructive" or "dangerous" in the sense that they modify their receivers.

Escalation receivers are readers for the escalated task, and for every sub - and follow-on task of this task, including escalations of one of these tasks.


In semiconductor receivers transistors take the place of vacuum tubes.

This API enables sending one-time messages to many users at once and allows the receivers to respond to the sender.